Two models of memory (MSM+LOP)

LO: Evaluate two models or theories of one cognitive process (for example, memory, perception, language, decision‐making) with reference to research studies. (22 marks)

What you will do for your exam: Evaluate two models of one cognitive process (memory – MSM/LOP) with reference to research studies (Atkinson and Shiffrin (MSM) and Craik and Lockhart (LOP)). 

Command Term: Evaluate make an appraisal by weighing up the strengths and limitations of each model and providing evidence from studies to support or challenge the model studied. 

MSM Lesson 



Videos (Brain – Men vs Women):

Video 1 –

Video 2 – Men vs Women brain

 Getting us thinking whilst we move:

Go around the room and answer the following questions:

  1. How do you study for a test?
  2. What do you find challenging when studying for a test?
  3. What strategies do you use to memorise information?
  4. How effective are these strategies?
  5. Do you listen to music when you study? Do you think this improves or impairs learning? Why?
  6. What strategies would you recommend for memorising information?

Activity 1:

Serial position effect experiment. Explanatio of Serial position effect. 

Activity 2:

Teacher led presentation on MSM – Powerpoint

Activity 3:

MSM (Skit). Students introduce the MSM.

What other extraneous variables can interfere with memory formation? THINK TOK!!

Links to TOK (critical thinking):

WOK – How does perception as another cognitive process interfere in the way we judge reality and process this information?

How does emotion contribute/ interfere in the formation of memories? Are these memories emotionally reliable?

Processing and time in order to rehearse or forget?

LTS: Role of culture in memory formation? Role of conformity? Traditions? Shared and personal knowledge.

Activity 4: Links to the exam requirements

Plenary: Why do we forget? Article on Doorways

Lesson Materials can be found here

LOP lesson 

Lesson materials can be found here under the folder LOP.

Discussion of the role of Levels of processing in memory in comparison to MSM.

PowerPoint on LOP